
“Taoist-lifestyle*com, Online Taoist Philosophy, Neidan & Related Practices”
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Tai Chi, mindfulness training, taoïsme, bewustzijn, qigong, taijiquan, Qigong, Chinese filosofie, innerlijke krijgskunst, donggong, taoïstische alchemie, dantian, yijing, Daodejing, Laozi, Dao, tuishou, schone kunsten, krijgskunst, Baguazhang, yuanqigong
Tai Chi
  • Tai Chi


The Results of a Lifetime of Study of
Prof. dr. Dan K.J. Vercammen & Angela Verkade

Both combine their expertise of Chinese Medicine, Martial Arts, Strength & Mobility training, Chinese Culture & Philosophy, Modern Research & ICT knowledge and are developing at this moment a very special Taoist-Lifestyle*com Program.

The Taoist-Lifestyle Program

In the online program Internal Alchemy, Internal Martial Arts & Taoism are the main subjects. We offer you short programs, seminars, courses and lectures. But also an ongoing personal program is a possibility. In order to see some fundamental changes you need to study for at least three years. For your personal path, we can design with you a study program, so that we can guide you step-by-step into Taoist Internal Alchemy (Neidan), Internal Martial Arts (Neijiaquan), Yuanqigong, Daoyin, Self-care & Internal Practices (Neigong), Chinese Philosophy, and Chinese Culture. We share decades of knowledge with you in your self-paced online program.

Other (short) programs we offer:

Taijiquan (Tai Chi) Program
Baguazhang Program
Yuanqigong Program
Xinyiliuhequan/Shidaxing Program
Special Chinese Strength & Mobility Program

All programs wil include a special hand-out & video's will be downloadable, so you can practice where and when you want.
ABOUT Dan Vercammen

Prof. Dr. Dan K.J. Vercammen

“Since the early 1970s I've been looking for ways to keep my body healthy and safe, to develop my artistic inclination, and to live as naturally as possible. This led me to the discovery of China, ancient Chinese culture, and the Taoist philosophy and lifestyle. In the China of the 1980s I found old masters who imparted me with their knowledge of Taoist inspired martial arts, fine arts and design, and Chinese science and wisdom. They also stimulated me to bring these Chinese treasures to the West. As a tribute to them and their predecessors I keep studying Chinese culture and am still teaching and demonstrating how life can be lived and understood more fully by practicing and enjoying a Taoist inspired life. I sincerely hope I can offer you the means to live happily, healthy, and beautifully."

Having studied many Chinese Martial Arts since 1975 and being a Martial Arts instructor since 1980, there is a lot I can teach you about the practice and backgrounds of Chinese Martial Arts. I'm a scholar - warrior, meaning that I don't only practice fighting, but also study and teach the backgrounds. My main interest is in the Internal Martial Arts and Traditional Weapons and I teach all aspects of these, including sparring, fundamental and advanced theory, history, "wude" (martial arts ethics), etc. I'm an anthropologist-sinologist, a Chinese Martial Arts expert, a Taoist Doctor, Taoist Internal Alchemy expert, and artist (painting, calligraphy, poetry, design). From 1990 till now I have published more than 30 books and articles on Chinese culture, Internal Alchemy & Practice and Internal Martial Arts like Baguazhang, Taijiquan and Qigong.

I first learned Nanquan or Southern Chinese Martial Arts (e.g. Pak Mei and Choy Li Fut) and then added Taijiquan. When I started studying in China (from 1985 onwards) I mainly focused on Yue Huanzhi and Tian Zhaolin lineages of Taijiquan and on the Xingyiquan traditions (Hebei and Henan Styles). From 1988 onwards I also studied Baguazhang. My most important teachers were Fu Qinglong, Li Ziming, Jie Kon-sieuw, Shen Hongxun, Cai Longyun, and Zhou Minde.


I teach Yang Style Taijiquan from the Dong Yingjie, Tian Zhaolin and Yue Huanzhi lineages. Subjects include Jin (energies) and Yi (focus) practice, stances, sequences and sets, fundamental skills, sparring, all weapons (straight sword, sabre, lance/staff, fan, halberd), health practices, theory, history, etc.


The Palms of the Eight Trigrams from the Liang Zhenpu and Cheng Tinghua lineages, as taught by my teachers Li Ziming and Fu Qinglong. Fundamental skills like circle walking and mobility, health practices, sets, theory, history, etc.

Shidaxing (Shanghai Xinyiliuhequan)

Less known than the other two Internal Martial Arts that I teach, this one is the oldest and most original of them all, dating from the 17th century. It is also called Henan Style Xingyiquan.
Wild and authentic fun practice! I teach fundamental skills, simple and complex sets of the Ten Animal Forms, traditional weapons (short staff, two-sectional staff, swords, etc.), body conditioning, sparring, theory, history, etc.

ABOUT Angela Verkade

Angela J.H. Verkade

“At age 5 I started practicing gymnastics and later added dancing. Later on I explored karate & taekwondo and developed a deep fascination for ancient cultures. Instead of following my heart, I was diverted to a more accepted, yet very different path that gave me an experience of life but went against my nature, so that I came to lose the connection with my inner body. Ignoring the signs, I became seriously ill in 2013. In my search for solutions to deal with my limitations, qigong came my way. In 2014 I started studying TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) with a specialization in Yang Style Taijiquan (Zheng Manqing tradition) and Medical Qigong.After three months of practice my medication was reduced to zero and I started feeling better and better. From then on my fascination for Chinese Culture & Philosophy, Martial Arts, Qigong & TCM increased even more. After meeting Dan KJ Vercammen in 2020, I switched to Dong and Yue Styles Taijiquan and began learning Yuanqigong, Taoist Internal Alchemy, Taoist Medicine, and Internal Martial Arts (Shidaxing, Xingyiquan, and Baguazhang). I'm deeply grateful to be able to study Chinese Culture and Chinese Philosophy, as well as Classical Chinese, with Dr. Vercammen. From 2020 onwards I've been assisting Dan Vercammen in TaoistStudies*org & Taoist-Lifestyle*com"

I'm a Taoist Lifestyle coach/practitioner, specializing in TCM, Footreflex, Tuina & Chinese Martial Arts and Strenght & Mobility Programs. Assisting Prof. dr. Dan Vercammen with classes & organising events with TaoistStudies.Org and China Arts College. I am also responsible for the (Financial) Administration & (Social Media) Marketing of TaoistStudies.Org & Taoist-Lifestyle*com.

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