Get Balance in Body, Mind & Life - Reinforce your inner compass Retreat in Nepal (Kathmandu)

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dinsdag 24 september 2024 (00:00-00:00) - 15 lesdagen


In “The reinforce your inner compass Retreat” we work with old Tibetan Buddhist technics.

Is there a higher aim then to be healthy, to be happy and to be content with your live?To achieve this, we need to be working on the so-called “Three Wealth’s”.These are “Wealth of the Body”, “Wealth of the Mind” and “Wealth of Life”. Most people are not aware that all three aspects are equally important. They try to live healthily and are mainly content with their lives but nonetheless many people are not really happy. This is because the importance of the mind is often overlooked. For this reason, this program covers all three “Wealth’s”, with special attention given to the mind and it’s amazing power.

For every teaching’s module, wealth, we have chosen a specific place in Nepal that fit with what we want to integrate.

We start our Retreat in a monastery in Kathmandu where we are going to give the introduction teaching.

We will be part of the monastic rituals and life and have so a good start of our journey within.

Read all about the different topics we work and the locations in our itinerary.

Your teacher is Maaike, who is an experienced educator in Lu Jong, Tibetan Healing Yoga, Buddhist Psychology, Traditional Tibetan Shamatha Meditation, Sword Yoga and General Mindfulness.
She is already educated more then 10 years and trained more then 70 teachers.

Tarayogini Tarayogini Kluisbergen

Nodig je vrienden uit

Van 24/09/2024 tot
en met 08/10/2024
(15 lesdagen)
Geen ervaring vereist
18 - 99
Toon contact informatie

Gelijkaardige Activators

  • AnnimA AnnimA Temse
  • Kimarte Kimarte Dilsen-Stokkem
  • Thuis in Jezelf Thuis in Jezelf Nijlen

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